A/2/12 Inf. Post-SouiTre Album--WARNING MAY BE GRAPHIC--

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission"

2/77 High Angle Fire Mission
on operation Gadsen

A/2/34Arm. Tank hit a mine on
the way to SouiTre relief

Two of these Officers were driving the Air support FACS

Fire Support Base Gold after

Gold again

Big Track hauling truck

Acting Intell Officer. Won Silver Star for Rallying some troops

Bringin in a load of New Stuff for rebuilding

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission"

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