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Panel 12W, Row 82

Orville E. Kitchen, Jr.

Born on:11/22/1946
Below are some rememberances posted for him:
In memory of Lt. Orville Kitchen, 2nd Bn, 77th Artillery, (FA)who died while serving as an FO with the 2nd Bn, 27th Infantry "Wolfhounds" In the Renegade Woods on 2 April 1970. -----------Posted by Landon McCallister, 2/27

Orville joined the Armed Forces while in DAYTON, OH. He served as a 1193 in the Army. In 1 year of service, he attained the rank of 2LT/O1. At the age of 23, he perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Tay Ninh Province.

Gone but not forgotten

Just wanted to let you know that you will always be remembered, not only in the hearts and minds of those that knew you, but here on our 2/77 site and your sacrifice cherished by us along with your memory!
Rest in peace, brother

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